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10 Wedding Trend Predictions for you to Get Inspired this Wedding Season

By Suraj Singh Sisodia
Blog timeMar 31, 2020

Till now we saw many trends in weddings and other ceremonies from some of the wedding trend predictions we heard last year. Some of them grew popular and are still hot options when it comes to celebrations.
These trends come and go every year. People getting married always want their wedding to stand different and memorable.
So to help you, we bring you these wedding trend predictions for this year. If you are planning to get married this year, check out these wedding trend predictions and see if you too wanna express your happiness in a peculiar way and start your journey together.

1. Micro Wedding Wedding Trend Predictions

First in our wedding trend predictions is Micro Wedding. Nowadays ceremonies are getting more personalized. Now, couples want their ceremony to stand for something more meaningful. It’s not just a gathering of people for them. It means something to them. They want to celebrate it with intimacy and with a personal touch and hence this trend of micro-wedding which includes a very few, only important and close guests is getting popular. It started last year but we predict that it’s gonna be a trend this year.

Micro wedding, Wedding trend predictions

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2. Green Wedding

New age couples understand the importance of a sustainable environment. They take the issues of global warming and climate changes very seriously. They don’t want their big wedding to leave a harmful effect on the environment. We really applaud this approach. For all those people who love our mother earth, this is the way for you to go. Second in our list of wedding trend predictions is Green Wedding. Organize a big wedding with zero waste and no plastic policies. Let the starting of your journey be also the starting of your way to a sustainable environment.

Green wedding, Wedding trend predictions Green wedding, Wedding trend predictions

3. Digital Invites

In the last few years we really have developed very fast in terms of technology, I mean, we stand as an example being Digital India to other developing countries. So next trend in our wedding trend predictions is Digital Invites. Weddings in our country also saw this revolutionary change with digital invites. Now, this has already started as a trend but we predict it to completely replace the old, traditional paper invites this year 2020. It does not only contribute to the greener environment but also saves a lot of time. We do need something as fast as this in our lives.

Digital invites, Wedding trend predictions Digital invites, Wedding trend predictions

4. Floral Replacement in Décor

This is a new trend and still not very popular. People love flowers. They adore floral decoration but we’ve seen some of the ceremony experimenting with Pampas grass and wheat replacing the traditional floral décor. It’s very smooth and comforting. It gives your venue a nice, unique look. We predict that we would see more of these decors this 2020 in weddings and all other ceremonies.

Pampas grass decor, Wedding trend predictions

5. Destination Pre-Wedding Shoot

This is really unique. We used to believe that the couple, who are about to embark on a journey together, are the center of their Pre-Wedding photoshoot. Well, indeed they are, but another thing that is just as important as the couple is the destination. Couples travel to their dream destination or places from their bucket list to have their pre-wedding shoot. The place expresses their personalities and brings the best out of them and also it’s a nice, unforgettable experience for them. We believe this trend is soon gonna rise to it’s heights this year.

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

6. Non-Traditional Food

The great part of a wedding is the food. The nice, delightful, delicious food is the soul of every ceremony. Usually a wedding has all the classical dishes, Kadhai-Paneer, Butter-Chicken and everything else. But some people are too concerned to eat healthy and still tasty food that they can’t spare even their wedding day for cheat-meal. This trend is already getting hotter in weddings to include non-traditional and healthy food. We would see this, more than we think, in 2020.

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

7. Combining the Rituals

Weddings have a lot of rituals, I mean a lot. And the groom and bride are from different communities, then, both of their communities’ rituals are more than enough to handle. Some modernists have come up with the solution and that is combining the rituals. Meaning all the rites from both of the communities are performed together in a way that is more fun to participate in and takes just as much time as one ritual. This was not seen too much in 2019 but we definitely hope to see them in 2020 and that’s our prediction for wedding trends this year.

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

8. Involvement of Technology

Technology has taken over every single aspect of our daily life. It’s impossible to even imagine living without technology. It has integrated itself into our lives, and now it has invaded the weddings too. Be it a digital invite or drone selfie at the ceremony, live streaming on social media or remote control lighting and fireworks show. Technology adds an element of both fantasy and luxury into any wedding. We predict that we’d see this trend more and more in 2020.

Wedding trend predictions

9. Non-Traditional Wedding Dress

Gone are the days when brides wore heavy lehengas and accessories. Today, brides prefer more comfortable and light dresses and jewellery. And not only brides but grooms are expected to fashion non-traditional shervanis and experiment with non-traditional colours. We predict this will be the biggest and most popular trend this year.

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

Wedding trend predictions

10. Unique Entries

This has already started as a trend. We’ve seen some brides and grooms take a unique entry to their ceremony. We’ve seen grooms riding skateboards and hoverboards, we’ve seen brides coming in open jeeps. So to sum all this up, this year we are gonna see more of these unique entries. We predict it to be the next big wedding trend in 2020.

Wedding trend predictions Wedding trend predictions Wedding trend predictions

So guys, did you like our wedding trend predictions for this year? So you have something in your mind too, let us know in the comments.

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Suraj Singh Sisodia
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