Wedding invitation wording is the first element of your wedding, that your guests see. So, it has to represent your wedding strongly. And it has to be a part of your wedding theme as well. Unique wedding invitation wording is the most important aspect of the wedding card because it holds equal importance as any other wedding arrangement. Luckily, a wedding invitation message is not complicated. And it is straight and simple. So, we have some unique marriage invitation message wording ideas for you. Whether your wedding is formal or casual, we have the perfect invitation for a wedding. So, as we also know wedding cards matter.
Listed below are trendy invitation card for wedding:
Parts of wedding invitation wording include:
Listed below are some of the best formal or casual wedding invitation wording ideas:
In Indian culture, it’s mostly the bride’s parents who host the wedding reception. Times are changing and today we have wedding receptions hosted by the couple itself. There are also instances where both, bride’s and groom’s parents host together. Anyway, we have got you covered.
a. Mr & Mrs Saurabh Mishra
Request the honor of your presence
For the wedding of their beloved daughter
Eema Mishra
Harsh Balani
Son of Mr & Mrs Kulkarni
b. Mr. Saurabh Mishra & Mrs Seba Mishra
Invite you to the wedding of their beloved daughter
Eema Mishra
Harsh Balani
Son of jigar & Rtu Kulkarni
Groom’s parents ‘ hosting wedding invitation wording will be similar to the bride’s format. Since the groom’s parents are two of the most important people at the wedding, their name as well as to be properly written. So, here are a few examples.
a. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Francis
Request the honor of your presence
At the marriage of
Elizabeth Lindsey
To their son
Edward Michael Francis
b. Mr. and Mrs. David Potter
Request the honor of your presence
At the marriage of their son
Brayden Potter
Isabella Young
a. Together with their parents
Eema Mishra
Harsh Balani
Request the honor of your presence
b. “never marry the one you can live with, marry the one you cannot live without”
Eema Mishra
Harsh Balani
Invite you to share the joy and celebration of their marriage
a. With the blessing of late
Mr & Mrs. Mishra
Eema Mishra
Harsh Balani
Invite you to the biggest day of their lives
b. Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gross and
Mr. Tom Parks & the late Mrs. Tina Parks
Request the honor of your company
At the marriage of their children
Lisa Gross
Harry Parks
a. Mr & Mrs. Mishra
Mr & Mrs. Kulkarni
Request your presence
For the wedding reception of their children
Harsh balani
Eema Mishra
b. The Shelton and Sherman families
Joyfully invite you to the marriage of
Sara Shelton
John Byrne
The request line of the wedding invitation message decides whether your approach is formal or casual. A unique wedding invitation wording would be to go with neutrals. So normally when the parents are the host, it’s formal but when the couple is hosting their own wedding, it can be casual and formal. Still, it’s your big day. So, we suggest you go with whatever you think sounds right.
The pleasure of your company
The honor of your presence
Cordially invited to celebrate the wedding
The honor of your company
The pleasure of your company
To be present at the ceremony uniting
Invite you to celebrate
Invite you to share the joy
Would love for you to join
To witness the lovely couple’s marriage
To share moments of the best day of their lives
Join us in celebrating the wedding
Even if the bride and the groom aren’t hosting, they nevertheless take the centre stage when it comes to wedding invitation wording. Their names should at least be double the size of other text. The couple’s name should be in a different font in front of other wedding invitation wording.
So, formally, the name of the bride is written first. This includes her middle name or surname. Irrespective of whether the couple is hosting or the bride’s parents. If the groom’s parents are hosting, then it’s appropriate to mention the groom’s name first. Nevertheless, any name can be put first if the couple is hosting and the wedding card is casual. So it obviously depends on what kind of a wedding invitation message you are planning to give, casual or formal.
A formal marriage invitation message will always have the date and time written out in full. In other words, no numerals. For example,
a. Fifth October,
8 O’clock in the night, Followed by Dinner.
If your marriage invitation message is more casual, then numerical font can add an extra touch. For example,
b. 5th October 2020
8 pm Followed by Reception/Dinner.
Pro Tip: Take special care about grammar
It is very important to mention the location correctly. Mostly in Indian weddings, there is marriage and then reception. Even after being location being important information, many people still don’t pay much attention to this particular information’s design and wording idea. Since the invitation card is aimed at providing details, you can add the reception details in a separate card or include it in the same. You can write, for example,
a. Wedding ceremony followed by dinner at XYZ
b. Wedding ceremony, 3 pm at XYZ
Followed by a reception, 8 pm onwards at ABC
It is of utmost importance that you keep or wedding card message as clear as possible.
A logo adds aesthetics to the wedding invitation message hence it’s a necessity and everybody has it these days. Initials of the bride and groom placed on the top of the card in a calligraphic way are the real showstopper. According to your marriage invitation message, casual or formal, you can decide what the logo looks like. It’s always smart to maintain a color theme.
Pro Tip: Recheck your sentences and format before printing
Since India is a diverse country and marriage is an auspicious function, many families, Hindu, Christian, or Muslim begin the wedding invitation wording with something religious. Nowadays people also add religious signs at the top or start of their card instead of an entire sentence. These little details look great if highlighted with metallic colors. As a result of this, your wedding invitation will surely be loved by everyone when your guests will see it.
Wedding Invitation wording might seem a simple thing to do. But it is the most important part of wedding planning. Since a marriage invitation card is the first thing that you give your guest, you must design your wedding invitation in the best possible way. Your wedding theme goes parallel with your wedding invitation message. Since it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, you must have everything perfect even the wedding invitation wording.
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