For any event to be a success, you need to invest a good chunk of budget on the food as that would be the one thing people will remember. Therefore, it becomes necessary to carefully check what you are being offered for the money that you are shedding. Following is the set of questions to ask your caterer that will help you understand the catering services better and get the most out of the deal.
- What are the packages that you can provide for such (huge/small) event?
- What is the portion-size of each plate? And what is the cost of per plate?
- What is your refund/cancellation policy?
- Is the service tax and related charges inclusive or do we have to pay extra for it?
- What extra services can you provide(serving,setting up,cleaning up)? Are there any extra charges for it?
![questions to ask caterer-mode of payment](
![book the best caterer at great discounts](
- Who will be the main point of contact or the co-ordinator on the day of the event?
- What is the ratio of servers to guest? How much staff is included in the package?
- Will there be any additional staff available if required?What is the extra charge for additional staff?
- How will your staff dress? Do they have any dress code?
![questions to ask caterer- staff](
Food and menu:
- Do you specialize in any cuisine? Do you provide veg and non-veg menu?
- What are the variations that you can provide? Can we swap some of the items in your package?
- Can we taste the food samples that you are going to make for my event?
- Should we supply you the ingredients? If you are responsible for it, can we check the ingredients before you start the task?
- Is coffee and tea service included in the package?
![questions to ask caterer-food and menu](
- What time will you and your staff arrive at the site?
- What sort of arrangement do you provide? Will it be buffet-style, sit down meal or family-style arrangement?
- Are you licensed to serve alcohol (if you want to
- Are you going to deliver the prepared food at the venue or will you cook everything from scratch at the venue itself?
- What do you do with the leftover food (donate or throw away)?
![questions to ask caterer- logistics](
So now you know the questions to ask your Caterer in order to satisfactorily hire the best one. Also, find out more about the Questions to Ask Your Photographer before you hire them.
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