Spice up your kitty party with fresh and exciting games that everyone will enjoy. Find new unique activities that guarantee a fun and memorable experience for all guests.
Kitty parties are ideal for women to laugh and bond as they enjoy each other’s company in the middle of life’s hustles. With work, children, and all sorts of responsibilities life is not easy – but going out with your friends will make it all worth it! These events are all about the appreciation of feminine relationships with each other and with life in general, as well as having fun.
The ‘kitty’ is the essence of every kitty party but the essence of a kitty party is to make those moments special. First, choose a theme kitty party idea so you can have a proper start, second, add a dress code because it is always fun, and third, prepare the snacks and drinks before hand to cater for everyone. A good list of songs can also create just the right atmosphere.
Kitty party is not complete without games. Starting from one minute kitty party games to paper kitty party games and fun kitty party games, you will find everything you need. We have also given the top games for kitty party so that the fun doesn’t stop. Your next kitty party does not need to be boring as with a little imagination and planning it can be a fun party that celebrates friendship, laughter, and happy memories
Introduction A fun and easy game that will challenge you to guess your other party guests. It is all about trying to guess the small aspects of each other.
How to play: Every member of the group notes down few particulars about himself or herself (s) such as favorite colour, food, hobby etc. The host reads these out, and everyone has to guess whose lady it is.
How to decide winner The games are usually the guessing games and the person with the most correct guesses in details wins.
Introduction: An interesting game to flex your memory muscles and is best suited for the kitty party introduction or warm up game.
How to play: Put some objects (for instance a bangle, lipstick, pen, mirror, etc.) on a tray. Let everyone take one minute to memorize the items on the tray, and then place a cloth on the tray.
How to decide winner: The participant who is able to recall the maximum number of items placed in the tray is the winner.
Introduction: A fun game that makes people discuss Bollywood movies and try to remember some facts.
How to play: The game is similar to saying a movie name and the next person has to say a movie whose title starts with the last letter of the previous movie’s name.
How to decide winner: Play until a person is unable to come up with the name of a movie. The person who last brings a movie wins the game!
Introduction: This game is about having the most unique (or bizarre) items in one’s handbag.
How to play: The host reveals categories (for example, “an object of red color,” “an item that can make a sound”), and the guests have to extract the item from the handbag.
How to decide winner: The winner is the guest who brings the most interesting or exotic things.
Introduction: A simple game that tests your knowledge on some famous advertisements and their catch phrases.
How to play: The host plays the audio or says the clues from the popular advertisement. The guests have to guess the brand or product.
How to decide winner: The most successful one is the person who guesses the most correct advertisements.
Introduction: One of the Bollywood classics that would always make everyone get up and dance and is perfect for kitty parties.
How to play: Divide the group into teams. The first team performs a song from Bollywood, the next team has to start with the last letter of the previous song.
How to decide winner: The team that will be able to sing the highest number of songs without replaying or stalling gets to be the winner.
Introduction: A game of acting without speaking in which one person has to mimic a word or phrase and the others are expected to guess.
How to play: On pieces of paper write different words, names of movies, or any phrase. The person who is performing the word cannot say anything and has to use only body language.
How to decide winner: The participant who come up with the largest number of correct words or phrase before the set time is over wins.
Introduction: An entertaining game where people are required to identify which Bollywood celebrities are partners.
How to play: List the Bollywood couples on pieces of papers such as Raj and Simran. Hand them out and every individual is supposed to look for another person with similar name.
How to decide winner: The one who completes all the pairs right gets to be the winner!
Introduction: Focusing this to the youth is a good decision because this is a unique game wherein you can challenge your body balance and concentration with a little humor.
How to play: One of the tasks is to walk around the room while holding a spoon on the nose or the chin. It’s also possible to include an element of an obstacle course if you want to increase the level of difficulty!
How to decide winner: The first person that reaches the end of the line while holding the spoon is the winner!
Introduction: A quiz that focuses on the Bollywood movies, stars, and songs familiar to an average movie buff.
How to play: Hint: Develop a set of Bollywood quiz questions based on actors and actresses, roles in’recent’ films (last five years as an example) (e.g., ‘‘Who was acting as Simran in Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge?’’). It is important to ask the guest just one question at a time.
How to decide winner: Last person standing having the most correct answers is the winner!e winner of this game.
Introduction: A unique and energetic activity in which you have to sketch something in one minute!
How to play: Every person is assigned a subject (such as “cat,” “house, “tree”) and has 60 seconds to sketch it.
How to decide winner: The winner is the most recognizable or the most creative drawing.
Introduction: A simple, fast paced game that incorporates hand and foot coordination.
How to play: Each participant is provided with a piece of thermocol and a set of pins. They have only one minute to pin as many as possible of the thermocol.
How to decide winner: The one who can put more pins into the thermocol in one minute wins!
Introduction: A tricky puzzle that is perfect for the sewing enthusiast!
How to play: Pick up a button and needle and then try to sew a button on the piece of cloth within one minute and every player should try this.
How to decide winner: The winner here is the player who manages to sew the button on the cloth most neatly within a minute
Introduction: A miniature version of the game dumb charades that maintains the enthusiasm.
How to play: It takes one minute for each player to perform the words/phrases and the other participants have to guess.
How to decide winner: The person that gets as many correct guesses as possible within the one minute wins!
Introduction: A quick game of association where the first thing that comes to mind is said aloud.
How to play: Choose a word and start with it such as “apple.” Each person has to come up with a word related to it in rapid succession (for example, ‘fruit,’ ‘red,’ ‘juice.’).
How to decide winner: The last person to say the word ‘chain’ while maintaining the chain within one minute takes the prize!
Introduction: A popular city based trivia game.
How to play: Latter the host provides hints about places, persons or even historical monuments in the city. Players are supposed to guess the top three results.
How to decide winner: The participant who will successfully guess the most number of questions correctly will be the winner!
Introduction: An entertaining game that tests the subject’s capability to say certain phrases known as tongue twisters.
How to play: The host tells a tale and each participant has one minute to tell the tale as many times as possible without making a mistake.
How to decide winner: The person who can say this phrase the most number of times without getting it wrong is the winner.
Introduction: A five minute hunt for items within the confines of the classroom.
How to play: Shout out the name of a color and let everybody search for an object of this color in the classroom for one minute.
How to decide winner: The individual who identifies the largest number of items of the particular hue within the minute triumphs!
Introduction: I think it’s quite entertaining Bollywood music with lyrics in Hinglish.
How to play: Sometimes the host plays portions of a song which includes line in both Hindi and English – Hinglish. Players must guess the song.
How to decide winner: The one who correctly identifies as many songs in one minute wins!
Introduction: A fun game to measure people’s accuracy and their ability to keep things in the middle.
How to play: One of the string or hooks suspends a bangle up or hanging high and the aim that belongs to the game concerns trying to place the bangle on the wrist with the eyes shut.
How to decide winner: The one who is able to wear the bangle within one minute on the wrist wins!
You Will Need: Ping pong balls, cups made of plastic.
How to play: People aim to throw ping pong balls into cups from different distances.
How to decide winner: The winner is the one who puts the most of the ping pong balls into the cups.
You Will Need: Small gems or beads, bowls.
How to play: A player uses only the spoon to pick as many gems as possible and transfer them to the bowl.
How to decide winner: One minute challenge: the person who gathers the most gems on the screen wins.
You Will Need: Rings, bottles.
How to play: Participants attempt to place rings over the neck of bottles.
How to decide winner: Yay! The one with the maximum number of rings going around the neck gets the winner title
You Will Need: Balloons.
How to play: The players try to burst a balloon by sitting on it or in any other way, then pass it to the next person in the line.
How to decide winner: The team which bursts all their balloons is the winner!
You Will Need: Hidden items, clues.
How to play: Players get hints of the items that are concealed in the party area.
How to decide winner: Who finds the most treasures wins
You Will Need: A bottle.
How to play: Players decide that they will have to spin the bottle. It always has to point to someone to ask them a question or to do something on behalf of the game.
How to decide winner: This game is as fun as it can get and it mainly involves everyone in the game.
Introduction: A fun game of guessing, ideal for the ice breaking sessions.
How to play: Players must sit in a circle and pass a wrapped parcel around and everybody must sing a song. When the music stops the person who has a parcel must remove a layer.
How to decide winner: The person who unwraps the final layer and reveals the prize wins!
Introduction: A game that is centered on listening!
How to play: The host himself makes different sound imitations (phone ringing, dog barking etc.) and players have to guess what the sound it is.
How to decide winner: The one who guesses the most sounds wins!
Introduction: A quiz game based on famous couples of Bollywood.
How to play: Take the names of the famous Bollywood pairs on the slips of paper and mix them up. Everybody has to look for their partner.
How to decide winner: The person who identified all the pairs correctly wins!
You Will Need: Makeup products.
How to play: Players have to put on makeup with their eyes blindfolded or on someone of their choice.
How to decide winner: It’s the best blind makeup of the episode!
Introduction: Perfect for movie buffs!
How to play: Make a set of questions that have something to do with Bollywood movies, stars and songs. Speaking of the gameplay, the participants switch turns; the one with the most correct answers is the winner.
How to decide winner: The one with the most points!
Introduction: For the foodies in the group!
How to play: One involves players being presented with a list of the various dishes and they have to guess what the ingredients are, the country of origin or the name of a dish depending on which a picture is shown.
How to decide winner: The participant who identifies the largest number of objects correctly is the winner.
Introduction: A perfect thing for the fan who loves the retro era and wants to bring it back to life.
How to play: Players respond to questions about music, fashion and other aspects of the 80s and 90s. Consider such things as TV shows, songs or trends which were popular several years ago.
How to decide winner: to the person who got the most questions right.
Introduction: The place is fun for those who like games and this theme is focused on the games that require memory and knowledge.
How to play: Alphabet Word Game: Players turn around and start saying words that begin with a certain letter of the alphabet.
A to Z Riddles: The host names something starting from the letter A and the players are expected to guess what the host revealing.
How to decide winner: So the player who solves as many questions as possible wins!
Introduction: Get your best dress on and walk the red carpet!
How to play: Fashion Show: Players wear beautiful clothes and other People then elect, for instance, awards like “The Best Dressed Player” or “The Most Elegant” players.
How to decide winner: The player who received the most votes
Introduction: A night of beauty and fun games and luck!
How to play: Roulette Wheel: Choose an activity out of a wheel and everyone has to do the activity on the wheel that is chosen.
How to decide winner : The player who wins the most rounds or completes the most challenges wins the casino crown!
Introduction: Romantic themed fun activities are a great way of showing your love to your partner.
How to play: Cupid’s Arrow: Players have to throw darts shaped like hearts on a target in a bid to score points.
Love Song Charades: Players role play love songs and others have to guess which love song the players are portraying.
How to decide winner: The person who gets the most right or guesses the most songs wins!
Introduction: For nature and flower lovers!
How to play: Make cards with names or pictures of various flowers. The flowers are described and the players have to guess correctly what type of flower the host wants them to identify (it could be by the color, smell or place).
How to decide winner: The first one to guess the correct number of flowers of the other person wins!
Introduction: For a fun and playful vibe!
How to play: A sequence of activities such as standing on one leg, tossing soft balls, or saying a humorous joke in clowning manner.
How to decide winner: The one who will
Introduction: For those who spend hours watching television and fans of favourite serials!
How to play:
Name the Show: Use clips or images from famous TV shows, and players try to identify the program in question.
Famous Characters Charades: Recite for others episodes of popular TV shows and mimic the characters in those episodes.
How to decide winner: The most correct answers or the best act wins!
Introduction: A great game that can be enjoyed by all the family!
How to play: Everyone takes a piece of paper and crumbles it and then tries to make the plane fly as far as possible.
You can also add a challenge to, for instance, hit a target with the plane in order to gain more score from the game.
How to decide winner: The individual whose plane travels the greatest distance or whose plane lands the closest to the target is the winner.
Introduction: It is a very basic game but filled with lots of fun.
How to play: Players turn taking each other throwing a coin into different things such as a cup, bowl or basket placed at different distances.
Instead, you can increase the difficulty of the game by targeting more participants, or making the coin tosses a bit harder with some added variations (such as doing this with eyes shut!
How to decide winner: And who gets the most coins into the containers – this player wins!
Introduction: A combination of drawing and guessing using coins!
How to play: One player chooses the word or a phrase connected with paper or coins and writes it on a piece of paper but does not say it aloud.
The others guess what it is. However, you can make drawing more interesting by fixing a certain amount of time that is allowed for the drawing period.
How to decide winner: For each turn, the first person to say that correctly wins one point, and ultimately, the one with the most overall point wins the game.
Introduction: Who can stack the most coins?
How to play:Every player has coins in his possession, and They have to try to pile as many coins as they can in as short a time as possible.
More difficulty can be introduced by putting conditions and regulations such as the forbidden use of hand, or having all the coins placed a certain way.
How to decide winner: The winner of the game and the one who gets the most coins piled up without those coins falling first
Introduction: A creative and hands-on game.
How to play:There is a sheet of paper and the list of objects to fold (pigeon, boat, flower, etc) and the following work is produced by players.
The children have to fold the paper to make the objects as fast as possible.
How to decide winner: This game’s rule is simple; the player who folds the most number of objects in the shortest time wins.
Introduction: C’mon and spin the wheel, the luckiest game of anticipation you can ever think of!
How to play:Collect bingo tickets and assign random numbers on them to be known as Housie (Bingo) tickets.
The caller reads out numbers at random, and the participants draw on their tickets accordingly.
The first person to make a straight line or a full house gets a token to cross off someone else’s line or house.
How to decide winner: The first person to get the pattern (line or full house) gets the prize!
Introduction: A relay race which involves speed and precision!
How to play:Players have a coin placed on a paper cup and have to put another cup on it without spilling it.
They run to a particular mark and back with the coin on the cup.
How to decide winner: The one who will not let the coin drop at the finish line is the winner.
Introduction: A fun game that dares the balancing act and integration of coordination.
How to play:
The player must place a coin on their forehead/finger and walk across the room without letting it drop.
More challenges can be added by placing certain obstacles along the path of walking.
How to decide winner: The person who makes it over the finish line with the coin on their forehead wins!
Introduction: A creative twist of mixing a paper with coins!
How to play: Take small papers, scrumble them, and try to toss them into a bucket or other containers containing coins.
The coins will add extra complexity since they try to aim for the coins when throwing.
How to decide winner: Count the paper balls landing inside; the one who gets the most is the winner!
Introduction-A fun variation in the traditional coin toss.
How to play: Each player gets a coin and a paper clip.
The paper clip is to be placed on top of the coin, and each player must toss it and see whether the clip will land in a cup or bowl.
How to decide the winner: The player who lands the most paper clips into the container is deemed the ultimate victor!
Kitty parties are meant for socializing around friendship, fun, and creativity. Laughter-filled games like Housie (Bingo) and those newly invented with only paper & coins will keep guests occupied while they create lasting memories. Be it a Memory Game that puts your memory skills to the test, or The Paper Plane Challenge to lighten up the mood-a few game activities bring out the best in everyone. With a mix of kitty party games and themes challenges, your kitty party can be a memorable and spectacular one. So embrace the warmth, creativity, and joy-the kitty party is meant to be a celebrated time for everyone
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