You must have planned everything for your kid’s birthday celebration, from birthday party venue to return favours for those friends of your kid. But, are you prepared to keep that notorious group of children occupied for the whole party? If no, then you should definitely plan something for them, and the best planning is to keep the fun alive by making them play with some fun birthday party games for the kids birthday party and it is the easiest and least expensive part of any kids’ birthday planning. So, here we are with some birthday party games ideas for the birthday party to entertain all the folks present at that party.
This game has its own fun. The main idea of this game is to have kids to search hidden items with the help of given clues and these items can be any object or party favour. Let the kids find items off the list or the objects in the list. For example- By giving clues on a piece of paper, you can give hint like- Ah, It’s cold here! Which means the object is inside the fridge. To create it more interesting, you can also create a chain of hints, like after getting a clue about the fridge, where you can put another clue – In Rohit’s dream (Which children must figure out what object is near Rohit’s bed where he sleeps). This series will create more fun at the party. Also, this game can be played inside or outside of the house.
This kids birthday party game is more similar to treasure hunt but with a slight variation. What you need is a small object (thimble) only, like a button or coin. Then, choose a child from the party and ask him to hide that coin or button in a specific room while all other kids will wait outside the room and when that object is hidden all children are called back and race to be the first to search that object. Whoever finds it first will be the winner and can be rewarded with a gift and then he/she will hide that again, and the game continues.
What you need is- Two large Baskets and Lots of over-inflated Balloons. Start with dividing all children in a group of two and line them up. Place those two baskets (filled with balloons) at some distance away from the two teams. Now, with the start signal, the first two kids standing in front run to their basket and grab a balloon. Then they sit on it until it pops! As soon as it pops, they run back to their team and tag the next kid in line and the game goes on like this until either of the team finished with the all the balloons. The first team to pop all their balloons wins.
Place two plates filled with gems/candies. Children pace a straw in their mouth and suction to transfer gems from one plate to another in under one minute and only one hand can be used to hold the straw. Whoever wins the game in one minute gets to eat their candy.
Children have to stack up a pile of cups and then they have to place them back into a single stack in under a minute. An ideal number of cups that can be used is 21, this fulfils the perfect result for 1 minute. Two players competing in each round works well so that any falling cups won’t knock over other player’s stack, too!
Go against gravity! In this game, children must keep two balloons from touching the ground for one minute. To make it more fun and challenging, give them three balloons.
An old and traditional kids birthday party game which is a blindfold game ;). Choose one child and blindfold him/her. Turn him/her around a few times to confuse them a little while and other children group themselves around him. Then let him try to tag one or the other children, who will then become blindfolded.
So, just browse through the variety of fun for your kid’s birthday party celebration and enjoy with these fun-filled children’s party games.