Imagine you had a full blown 4 course meal. Your stomach is full. You can’t move an inch. You loosen your belt. You are finding it difficult to breath. “Got carried away and ate too much. I can’t walk now”, is what you are saying. In that case, well, we let you know, it’s time for a dessert. You imagine how you are going to push those sumptuous desserts down your throat. The dessert arrives at your table and without any difficulty you end up eating the dessert. You imagine how were you able to eat the dessert even though you were so full.
Here we provide you with some of the scientific reasons behind it:
The stomach is flexible:
The stomach is a flexible organ. When you consume a large meal, the upper sections of the walls of the stomach relax to make room for the food. How you feel is closely associated with the pressures inside the stomach, which in turn is linked to how the stomach has expanded to tackle the food. Here, 3 factors collaborate in triggering the relaxing reflex.
First the sight and smell of the food; second the process of chewing and swallowing. Lastly the pressure of the food on your stomach.
Relaxing with Sugar:
When you are done with the meal, your brain stem receives information which helps in relaxation of the muscles. If you decrease the pressure on the stomach it reduces the sensation of being full. A dessert permits the stomach to make room for more food.
Less full with just a taste:
The most appropriate way to eat your dessert is to consume dessert just to taste something sweet. A single bite of sweet will actually make you more comfortable after a feast.
Eating small amounts of desserts will help you to beat the cravings of sugar. The problem is that one doesn’t know when to stop eating dessert. The exact balance between sugar abstention and too much of a good thing can be hard to achieve.
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