They say – ‘Health is Wealth’ !
It certainly is one of the clichéd ‘Thought of the day’ on the school Black boards, to imbibe on the young minds. But do you really think we believe that? Life in the 21st century has become a Quest for Wealth! We would all agree that we do often skip meals for our busy work schedule, which might get us the ‘Wealth’, but aren’t we losing our real wealth which is the good ‘Health’? It’s only when our carelessness takes a toll on our health that we realize its importance!
Thus, to draw the mass individual’s consideration towards the imperativeness of worldwide well being, The Word Health Day is commended globally on the 7th of April as an initiative of World Health Organization. It marks the day of the first World Health Assembly held in Geneva in the year 1948. We could make it a ‘Health Resolution Day’ to decide on a few healthy habits and implement the same for your well being!
Eat what you like! But, let that be balanced. Healthy eating habits like Fruit and Vegetable salads would assure a good ratio of nutritional intake! Remember, the more colourful your salad, the more will it be Rich! You could try a few restaurants from our website offering a variety of salads which suit your tastes! Restaurants like Out of The Blue, Saffron Spice, La Patio are well known for the wide range of Healthy & Tasty salads! Carbohydrate and protein rich meals, Milk and curds, and a good amount of water intake will help you keep yourselves in the pink of health! Cutting down the Desserts or the Fat Food is not a solution for a fit body! Exercising daily and eating well is an ultimate Mantra to good Health! Skipping a meal and over-eating in the next is no compensation, instead following a timely meal cycle would help boost metabolism!
Food is certainly the best readily available medicine to stay fit! Hence, whether to live a healthy life or not is one’s choice, but there is no better approach to enhance one’s well being than Eating Good Food! Thus, as rightly said by Jean Pierre Barral
‘Eat Healthy, Sleep Well, Breathe deeply and move Harmoniously!’
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