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15+ Interesting Group Games to Play That Are Actually Good!

By Darshit Tanna
Blog timeAug 30, 2024

Discover over 15 fun group games to play in our latest blog. From classic favorites to new ideas, find the perfect games to bring everyone together and create unforgettable memories.

Life is all about having fun with your loved ones and friends. The best way to spend time with them is by playing games or getting involved in some activities. There are a lot of game suggestions that you might come across when you surf on the internet. But not all the games are playable with groups. Some are meant for single, duo, or three people. It is hard to find games that large groups of people can play. Worry not, here are some amazing group games to play with friends and family. You can also play these games at your workplace with your colleagues. Whether you are looking for indoor or outdoor, we have covered them all.

Check out these group games to play.

1. Bang Indoor Party Games for Adults

Play this fun game anywhere- indoors or outdoors. In this ‘bang’ game, people stand in a circle with an instructor in the center. The people are called the ‘sheriffs’. When the instructor picks a person and shouts boom, they are supposed to duck while the people beside that person shoot each other with their fingers shouting ‘bang’. The person who gets banged by the other person before shouting bang gets eliminated. This goes on until there are two players left. When only these two players are left, the instructor tells both of them to face the opposite direction while their backs align and tell them to walk forward till they hear the word ‘boom’. Once they hear this word, they must quickly draw their finger guns and shout ‘bang’ before the other player does. The person who bangs first wins this game.

Also Read: Party Cup Games

2. Stomp the Balloons Group Games to Play with Friends

This one is an energetic outdoor game to play with friends where all the participants are divided into two teams. They need to blow 20 to 30 balloons per team. The people have to stomp and burst the balloons of their team’s color. The team that bursts all the balloons wins the game.

balloon stomp games to play with the group

3. ‘Save The Egg’ Game Indoor Group Games

An indoor game that will test how well you can think of solutions to problems. To play this game, place some eggs on the table and give the participants 5 minutes each to come up with an innovative solution to save the egg from breaking when dropped. After 5 minutes, drop the egg and see if the participants’ innovation saved the egg. The participant whose innovation saves the egg wins the game.

Also Read: Interesting one-minute games to play

egg drop indoor group games to play

4. Limbo Group Games to Play for Adults

Yet another outdoor game to play with your friends at a party. Here, two people will grab the ends of the pole. The participants will take turns walking under the pole by bending backward. If a participant’s body touches the pole, they are disqualified. The participant who crosses the pole without touching it wins the game.

Also Read: Games for Fresher’s Party

limbo game to play with the group

5. Cookie Pocket Childrens Indoor Party Games

Play this fun indoor game in winter for more fun. All you need to play this game is a platter of cookies. Make sure the participants are wearing jackets with pockets and layers. Distribute cookies to the participants and instruct them to slide down the cookies to each other jackets. If a participant catches someone sliding a cookie into their jacket, the person caught must eat that cookie. If the participant can’t catch the cookie slider, they will have to eat all the cookies they find in their jacket. 

Also Read: Pen and Paper Games

6. 20 Questions Games to Play with Friends without Anything

This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. One participant thinks of an item like an animal, a movie, a public figure, etc. The other participants get 20 questions in total to guess that item. They need to ask questions that the participant can answer with a yes or no. If they guess the item within the 20 questions, they win. You can make two teams for the questioning where each team can get 10 questions each. If you need some games for your get-together party, check out this blog.

7. Apple, Orange, and Banana Group Games Indoor

If you want to play games with a moderately large group, you shouldn’t add any complexity. This will make everyone confused. Here’s a quick and easy-to-explain game where the participants will stand in a circle by grabbing each other’s shoulders and an instructor will stand inside the circle. When the instructor shouts apple, the participants have to jump forward while holding the shoulders of the person ahead of them; when they shout orange, they have to jump backward; they need to turn 180 and grab the shoulders of the participant that was behind them. The participants who fail to follow the instructions get disqualified.

8. Red Light Green Light Games for a Group of Friends

We all know this game from the popular series ‘Squid Games’. An instructor will stand near the finish line. The participants will stand near the starting line. When the instructor says “green light,” participants can walk or run, and when the instructor says “red light,” they must stop wherever they are. The instructor will disqualify any participant found moving during the red light. To win, the participants will have to reach the finish line first.

red light green light group games to play

9. Keep a Straight Face Funny Group Games

Warning: This game is only for adults and can be played both indoors and outdoors. Everyone will write an outrageous or hilarious phrase on a piece of paper and collect these pieces in a hat. Gather everyone in a circle and tell one person each to grab a piece of paper and read aloud the phrase. The participants must keep a straight face while the person says the phrase. If a participant laughs, they get eliminated.

10. Lower The Stick Games for Groups of Friends

This is a group game that requires participants to make two rows and stand facing each other. They need to extend the index fingers of one hand so they can balance a long stick on it. The task is they need to lower the stick and make it land on the ground by just using the index finger. This game needs a lot of coordination and teamwork.

lower the stick group games to play

11. Dodge The Water Balloon Funny Group Games to Play

This is the ultimate outdoor game to play with your friends. Split the participants into two teams and give them a designated area to throw the water balloons. The teams will throw water balloons and each other and they can duck, jump, or move sideways to dodge them. They can hit the opposite team mates to eliminate them. The last team standing wins the game.

dodge the water balloons group games to play

12. Mr. Freeze Party Games for Large Groups

This is a fun game to play at parties where one person is appointed as Mr. Freeze while the others just roam around the party hall as usual. Everyone needs to freeze when Mr Freeze freezes. The last person to freeze gets eliminated. This way, the last person who remains that follows Mr. Freeze wins the game.

13. The Murder in The Dark Big Group Party Games

A large group of people can play this game. There would be pieces of paper with ‘x’ on one piece of paper, ‘1’ on one piece of paper, and ‘0’ on the other pieces. Distribute these pieces by folding them. The person who gets the piece of paper with ‘x’ is the murderer whereas the person with ‘1’ is the detective. Every other person is a potential victim. The detective will reveal their identity while the murderer stays in disguise. The murderer can murder the victims by winking at them before the detective catches them. If the detective catches the murderer winking, they win the game.

14. ‘Message Received’ Game

Play this fun game indoors or outdoors. Everyone gathers in a circle while the catcher stands inside it. The participants need to hold their hands and fold their fingertips. A person will announce that they want to send a message to a person. They will name the person they want to send the message to. The person can send the message by pressing any one of the hands and then the current will pass from the sender to the receiver. The catcher needs to catch the current flowing and the person who gets caught sending the message becomes the catcher while the former catcher joins the circle.

15. Spin The Bottle and Throw the Egg Games with a Group of Friends

We warn you to play this outdoor game with friends who are comfortable with you and are ready to be smashed by an egg. For this game, gather the players in a circle with a bottle lying in the middle beside the eggs. One person will spin the bottle and the person who gets the face of the bottle will grab the egg to throw and hit the other participants who are running once they see the bottle has stopped spinning. The person gets just one chance to throw the egg in one bottle-spin. The people who get hit by the egg get eliminated. The winner is the one who didn’t get hit.

spin the bottle and throw the egg group games to play

16. Sardines Group Party Games

This is a reverse hide-and-seek game where only one person hides and the other participants have to find that person. The participant who seeks the hider joins them. The last person who finds the group loses the game.

17. One Word Game

You can play this game indoors as well as outdoors too. Everyone needs to gather and make a circle, one person starts the game by saying a word, the person next to them adds a word, and so on. They have to make sentences by adding just a word per player. This is a simple game that doesn’t involve any equipment or material.

These are some of the group games we found on the internet (some of them are original and were created by us). Make sure you get the necessary equipment and the items before you begin the game. 

Thanks for reading the blog on group games to play. We hope these games were of help to you. Drop any doubts or suggestions in the comments section below and don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and family.

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Darshit TannaHi, this is Darshit Tanna. I am a content writer at BookEventz. A silent storm that will take you on an adventurous journey of words.
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