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Groom Wedding Speech Ideas to make your Bride Smile

By Sulagna Chakraborty
Blog timeNov 20, 2021

On your wedding day, you want to make your bride feel special in a way that she never has. Then, these groom wedding speech ideas will help you get over the nervousness. And, this will solve your purpose.

The groom’s wedding speech is a big part of the wedding experience for everybody and good reasons. And, this is your chance to thank the bride’s parents, welcome everybody, perhaps while also showing his personality and funny side. Then, you have a lot of work to do during the wedding speech.

Like we mentioned, the groom’s speech has a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time. Then, the most important part of the groom’s wedding speech by far is to acknowledge his new wife in front of all of the wedding guests. And, that is what will make your toast so meaningful. Then, this may include stories of how you met, how you proposed, ( see here: marriage proposal ideas to make you cry), how much she means to you, and sharing just how excited you are about the future.

groom wedding speech


To help you write an unforgettable groom speech we put together this helpful guide. And, it includes everything you need to write and deliver your groom’s speech.

If you are fretting about the time, when you have to deliver, then don’t. These tips will help:

GROOM WEDDING SPEECH TIPS (see here: Essential Groom Wedding Tips )

You only need a few minutes to prepare, and about two minutes to deliver your speech. Then, this is your chance to recognize the hard work that others (and you) have put into this amazing day. And, try to thank everyone for giving you their time (see here: wedding gifts for friends) and to add another twinkle in your lover’s eyes. Then, keep it brief, but make it count.


Give thanks

On your wedding day, you will have guests coming in from all places near and far. So, in your speech, be mindful of thanking them for gracing the celebration with their presence. Then, do not forget to put out your emotions to them. ( then, thank them with these wedding favor ideas)

So, here is an example from a real-time wedding :

“The only thing I want to say is WOW. People have told me this would be the best day of my life, and I can honestly say it’s true, because of all of you (pointing at the crowd), and especially you (pointing at your partner). I cannot thank you all enough for being here.”

Give a Compliment to your Partner:

Everything aside, your partner is all you have waited for your entire life. Then, do not forget to tell her that. And, pay her a nice compliment. Then, it can be about her dress, (long sleeve wedding dresses) the work she has put in into your relationship, how patiently she has dealt with everything. Above all, let her know how much you love her.

So, here is an example from a real-time wedding:

“[Name of your partner], I’ll never forget seeing you walk down the aisle today. You are beautiful in more ways than I can count.”

Recall a memory:

You don’t have a lot of time for this. So, pick out one noteworthy anecdote or short memory from your relationship, from the wedding planning process/ checklist. Also, you can pick an incident from your interactions with her family and friends. Then, share your most compelling and enthusiastic version of that story and you’ll delight the whole crowd.

So, here is an example from a real-time wedding:

“When [name of partner] and I first met, we talked for hours until our friends all wanted to leave. I started to panic since I didn’t want to stop getting to know her. So I suggested we keep the party going by getting some pizza while everyone else went home. We’re only here tonight because my wife likes pizza!”

Share one Reception Comment :

Whether it’s about the dinner being currently served, the signature wine, the DJ/band, or the overall atmosphere in the reception hall, then, pull out one comment to share aloud related to the evening’s experience.

Then, the purpose of this is to connect the whole room with your vision for the night. If you want the dance floor packed, then, speak it into existence. If you have a specially requested song you want to tease, then, mention it here.

So, here is an example from a real-time wedding:

“You might notice the noise-makers in the middle of your table right now. And you might be wondering why those are there. All I can say is to put one in your pocket now and trust me. You’ll know when it’s time to use them.”

Finally, here are two important questions answered:

When Does the Groom’s Wedding Speech Happen?

The groom’s speech follows the father of the bride’s speech typically. Then, the father of the bride would traditionally go first as the host of the day, however, this might not be the case for your wedding set up. So, More and more couples are opting to have the speeches before the wedding breakfast so you can relax and enjoy your meal.

How Long Should the Groom’s Wedding Speech Be?

Ideally, you want your speech to be no more than ten minutes. So, practice it a few times ahead of the big day and time yourself. Then, make sure you speak slowly and clearly! (see here: romantic wedding vows for the groom )

You don’t want your groom’s speech to last more than ten minutes. So, your guests don’t start to feel fidgety and bored. Then, save the extended gushing about your partner for a private moment!

If you’re very nervous about giving a speech, then, you can keep it as brief as you like. Just lead a toast to your partner and perhaps one to thank those who have helped you get married. And, we would recommend discussing this with your partner beforehand. So, now they know what to expect from your shorter groom’s speech.

groom wedding speech tips

Then, let your spouse or Benedict; know that you are ready with the groom wedding speech. Make sure that after the speech, everyone knows that you two are a forever thing! Love and wishes!

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Sulagna Chakraborty
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