1. Be it a girl or a boy, not necessary one has to stick to pink or blue. Add as many colors you like! Explore your joy with balloons, ribbons and party danglers of different colors and let the venue come alive.
2. Decorate the place with your baby’s first pictures. Clip them on strings for your guests to take away if they want.
3. Give the dining area an uplift too. Add cute little baby decorations on the tables with candies and gummy bears for the guests.
4. Customize the party favors! Here are some of the ideas that could be helpful. Keep it all baby-themed.
5. Switch the regular cake-cutting tradition with Cupcake Cheers! Customize these cupcakes with your baby’s foot and hand prints. Small and cute they’ll definitely add some ‘aawww‘ moment to it.
6. Since all your near and dear ones are around, make a film! Capture their wishes and blessings for your baby’s 10th or 18th birthday.
7. Planning to send out invites? Customize them too. Add you new born’s hand prints for the personal touch.
8. Add a candies counter and arrange for games for the younger guests. Let the celebrations be fun for them too.
9. Install a photo booth, where everyone can get an instant pic’ with the baby.
10. Keep the food menu light and simple. Sweet delights, refreshing cocktails, sandwiches…yum!
Let those nine months of excitement, eagerness and curiosity end up in a party worth remembering.
Plan your event at BookEventZ and also, Congratulations to you! :D
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