They say – ‘Healthy Mind stays in Healthy Body!’ But do you think we even consider the above phrase in terms of healthy body for a healthy mind? Our mind is constantly at work dealing with our professional, social and personal problems with no end! And when our body does rest for a while it is inadequate, but when up, we stress it constantly by skipping meals or grabbing-ready-to-eat junk or also by exerting it in a wrong way rushing for the meetings and making it a continuous ‘on the toes’ journey! Certainly, a daily schedule like this will land us up in an ‘unhealthy zone’ to which regrets in the future would be in vain! So why not take precautionary measures to keep your body healthy rather than ‘exploiting’ it the way we do at the moment?’
Thus, we get the best food types that assure you a healthy and fit body, for a fit mind!
Berries are a rich source of Vitamin C and other nutrients, thus consuming this instead of a munching snack like chips would be rather healthier. The blueberries are richest among all for the vitamin C content, thus, an intake of Blueberries in the form of juice during breakfast would assure an energetic day! The fruits, orange and sweet lime are filling at the same time, rich citrus fruits apt for breakfast or even after lunch as desserts with a few drops of honey on them!
Making a salad of either of them would be of a great nutritional value! The more colorful your salad, the more are types of vitamin intake. Banana is rich potassium source, at the same time; consumption of broccoli would also provide an adequate amount of potassium to your body. You could try a salad of fresh young spinach with pine nuts, lightly cooked penne along with feta cheese and a light vinaigrette dressing, for a perfect light lunch.
Dishes which consist of multiple types of whole grain would be of great nutritional value to the body. Maharashtrian dish like ‘Thaali Peeth’ which is a mixture of whole grains can be rich source of nutrition.
4) Fish:
Fishes are of excellent nutritional value and prove to be the best type of food for a good health. Fishes like pomfret, prawns, and salmon are the best source of protein, and potassium. Especially the fish salmon is rich in Omega – 3 oils which improve the functioning of our brain.
Consuming these, in right proportion at right times, would be of great help in maintaining a good health. Also a regular 30 minutes exercise for your body, along with meditation and proper meal timings would promise your well being throughout your life! Thus, Eat healthy, stay fit!!
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