A baby shower party is a cute affair. All the things in a baby shower are cutesy, including the baby shower decoration. And to make the baby shower all the more engaging and fantastic, a baby shower cake idea will be like an icing on the cake. Here are 15 amazing baby shower cake ideas for your baby shower party.
A cute cake for your cute little baby to come will be just perfect to welcome him/ her. This is one of the unique and eye catching baby shower cake ideas starting for the list of baby shower cake ideas.
Not necessary you name your baby as JOJO but you can put your baby’s nickname as you want and welcome him/her with the nickname written on the cake.
Kids love unicorn horse and with the rising use of technology, a lot of kids love the game unicorn dash. This has increased the love for unicorn horse amongst kids by leaps and bounds.
Kids love cartoon especially animal cartoons. A cake meant to resemble what kids love will be quite good for baby shower cake ideas.
If you want a simple and unique cake for your baby shower party then, this is the one for you!
This is one of the most love baby shower cake ideas on the list. The uniqueness of this cake idea is the design of a t shirt. Isn’t it?
Also read – baby shower party ideas – everything you need for a hit party.
What if it’s a boy? Then this one is absolutely perfect for your baby boy.
Having a baby is a one big milestone in anyone’s life and it’s a one big achievement to experience in life. You definitely can’t wait to experience this beautiful feeling of having a baby.
Baby shower has to be about the baby and what better than a cake with baby written on it.
This is another cute baby cake for your ecstatic baby shower party. The cake will resemble the baby perfectly.
Kids love rubber duck and this rubber duck will definitely make the day for a fantastic baby shower party.
Milk is the most loved fluid for kids and they enjoy having it. Hence, this cake is surely a one to think about for a baby shower idea.
A curious cake idea is a unique and new thing in the market. This cake is about the curiuosity everyone has about the baby.
You may read – Ideas for baby shower party
Being a kid, we all have sang this cute twinkle-twinkle poem and a cake on it will serve as quite a suitable idea.
Kids are always fascinated about animals and they love playing with animal toys. This is a simple yet lovely baby shower cake idea for the baby shower party.
We hope you liked all the baby shower cake ideas and one of them will surely make it to your
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