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20+ Awesome and Exciting Games For Freshers Party

By shubham khairnar
Blog timeDec 26, 2017

The fresher’s party is a very important part of a student’s college life. This is the event where the juniors meet their seniors for the first time. This is the event where they introduce themselves to the whole college. So, it is the senior’s responsibility to make the freshers feel comfortable help them bond with other students, and make this party an event that they will remember for the rest of their lives. And what better way to help them interact than a bunch of freshers’ party games? Let this article be a guide for you to plan a splendid fresher’s party. Here are some games for freshers party that you can try out at the college freshers’ party.

1. Treasure Hunt Game Ideas for Freshers Party

Here’s one of our favorite games for freshers’ day ideas. Make 4-5 teams of random people and give them clues to things hidden all over the college. The first team to crack all the clues to this fresher party game wins. This interesting game for freshers’ parties is a fun and effective team-building exercise. For your Freshers, you can also think of a theme like this Hunger Games theme party.

treasure hunt game for freshers party

2. Newspaper Fashion Games for Freshers Day

This fresher’s party ideas game starts by giving the participants a set of newspapers and scissors. Ask them to create a fashion item out of it. Let the creativity flow. One who makes the best fashion item wins. This game idea for freshers’ parties helps the students to recognize the other side of their peers. These funny tasks for juniors at the fresher’s party are going to make the night memorable. This can be a fresher’s day task online. Are you in search of quick games for this party? Then check out these one-minute party games.

newspaper fashion game for freshers party

3. Crazy Poses Games For Freshers Party

Make a group of 2-3 and give them a difficult pose to perform and hold that pose for thirty seconds. This fresher’s party game shows teamwork among the students. Who knows, maybe this game for freshers’ parties is where they find their project partner. Finding fresher’s day tasks online is very difficult but this is easy and very indulging, especially in the age of Instagram and Snapchat. If they are feeling awkward to move then here are some pen and paper games that might interest them.

crazy poses game for freshers party

4. Arm Wrestling Freshers Party Games Ideas

Well, you got to know who the muscle man among them is and this activity for the freshers’ party is just for that. Is there another better game for the freshers’ party than arm wrestling to determine that? Organize a classic arm wrestling match for a fresher’s party game to break the ice between the seniors and juniors. These freshers’ day tasks are going to test the strength of your juniors. If you have cups as a prop then you can make them play these interesting party cup games.

arm wrestling game for freshers party

5. Paper Dance Fun Games For Freshers Party

This game for freshers’ party is for dancing companions, the couple tries to balance itself on a newspaper as the songs stop playing. But this fresher party game has a catch. With every pause in the song, the newspaper will be folded. Hence the size of the newspaper will keep getting smaller and so will the number of players. The last couple to survive this Fresher’s party game will win the Fresher’s Day tasks. Embarrass and have fun with your juniors with these funny tasks for juniors at freshers’ parties.

paper dance game for freshers party

6. Charades

The most well-played game is charades. When it comes to acting everybody is in the game.  Divide the team into two and then one team let’s say team 1 will give a movie to the one player of team 2 and that player has to act that movie in front of their team without saying anything in 2 minutes and vice versa. Each correct guess will get you 1 point whoever at the last has the highest points wins.

Also Read: Group Games to Play

charades game to play at freshers party at college

7. Freeze Dance

This is a very fun-loving game when you feel the party is getting boring. Then this “freeze game” is the mood changer. Just gather up in a place and start the music on a speaker. While the music is playing, everyone has to dance and when the music shuts off, anyone who doesn’t freeze in place is eliminated. The winner is the person who lives on the dance floor the longest.

freeze dance

8. Eat The Donut

There is one more game that will have you enjoy your heart out. All you need is to prepare some donuts. This is a two-partner game where hang the donuts with a thick piece of string and hang the string between two trees. Now the partners will try to eat the donuts without using their arms. If the donut falls on the ground then the team is eliminated.

eat the donut game for freshers party

9. Musical Chairs

A very interesting game where chairs are put alternately. Players walk around the chairs when the music plays but when it stops the players have to try and find the chair to sit in. The last person who is not able to find the chair is considered to be out. Remove one chair and start again to play for the next round.

musical chair to play at freshers party

10. Sporcle

A fun, quick, and interesting game to play at your freshers party. Tell everyone to make a circle, pick a category, and instruct them to say the items that come under that category. Each person needs to name one item at a time. The person who lists the most number of items wins the game.

11. Tug Of War

So who is the strongest person in your group, take them on your team to win, Lol!  To play this game take one big rope and in the middle tie one cloth and mark the center on the ground. Divide the team in two and stand opposite each other in a line. Then just pull, whoever crosses the center loses the game.

tug of war game at college freshers party

12. The Storyteller

Another fun game that doesn’t need any props. This game will allow the college students to show their creative side. Instruct everyone to stand in a circle. A person will start telling a story. He/she will stop after a sentence or two. The next person needs to continue the story, and let this process go on. Give them a genre to explore so that they construct the story keeping it in mind.

13. Hug and Burst

This game is pure entertainment and everyone will love it. For this game, you will need four balloons for each pair of groups. Pair up the people as couples and give them four balloons each. The task is that they need to blow the balloons, tie them properly, and burst by hugging them.

14. Thumper Game

An active game and energetic game that will make everyone lively. Let everyone form a circle and do a unique hand or leg movement. Once everyone’s movements have been done, the instructor will ask the first person to do his/her movement. Then, a random person will be chosen who needs to do the former action and then his/her action. Let this continue and watch the fun unfold.

15. The Dizzy Bat Game

A very fun game to include in your collection for the Fresher’s Party. This game will drive the participants crazy (literally). In this game, the participant needs to spin around a baseball bat while keeping the bat touched to the forehead. After spinning and becoming dizzy, the participant will have to attempt to hit a tennis ball.

dizzy bat games for freshers party

16. Guide The Blindman Game

We bet you would not get bored playing this game at your Fresher’s Party. Participants will be divided into two teams. One participant from a team will be blindfolded. The rest of the team members have to guide that person to a treasure by just using words and the opposite team will act as noise. If the participant successfully reaches the treasure, the team wins. The opposite team wins if the participant grabs anything other than that treasure.

guide the blindman games for freshers party

17. Cherry Pie Game

A simple-looking game with some quirky twists. The participant just needs to bite the cherries kept on a plate. Sounds easy, right? Well, not when your hands are at the back, and the plate is covered with whipped cream, and the participant gets disqualified if the whipped cream falls out of the plate. Now, let the fun begin!

18. Tag & Bag Game

Make your Freshers’ party lit and filled with enthusiasm with this game. In this game, one participant will have a clothespin and then will discreetly slip it or put it on someone else and then walk quietly calling tag’m bag’m. After that, everyone will start a countdown from 5 as they try to search who is tagged. If the tagged person doesn’t pin off then they lose the game and have to pick out a fate paper from the fate bag that has some quirky tasks in it. If the tagged person finds out and pins off the tag, the tagger loses and will take out the fate paper and do the challenge.

tag n bag games for freshers party

19. Red Light Green Light

You might remember this game from the popular series Squid Games. This red light, green light game is simple. The participants need to reach the finish line but they are only allowed to run when the instructor says green light. If the instructor says red light and any participant is caught running or moving, that person gets eliminated. Don’t worry, no one will fire rounds of bullets here.

20. ‘Don’t Laugh at the Chicken’ Game

Here’s a fun and interesting game to play where the instructor will make noises from the rubber chicken near the participants’ ears and they are challenged to keep a poker face. If they laugh, they lose.

There it was, Freshers party games for your College Freshers Party. There are a lot of other activities that can be conducted at a fresher’s party such as a talent show a fashion show or a theme fresher party. Make sure that the activities you choose are such that they keep the freshers in the spotlight and help them realize that there are no strangers here, just friends they haven’t met yet. Rock your fresher’s party with these superb freshers’ day ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How many games should we conduct in a Fresher Party?

As there are a lot of things to do in a fresher party, 2-4 games will be enough so that everyone can enjoy yet get some interactive time.

How to Make a Freshers Party Interesting?

Include games that everyone is willing to play. Since it is a freshers party, everyone will be a little awkward to play and hence we suggest you keep activities and games that will gradually break the ice.

What awards should you give to the winners?

You can award them based on:

  • Dressing Sense
  • Their answers
  • Confidence level
  • Best walk
  • Great Dancer
  • Superb Singer etc.

What should I wear to the Fresher Party?

Girls Can Wear:

  • A Short Dress
  • Denim and Sneakers
  • Shorts or Skirts
  • Jumpsuits

Boys Can Wear:

  • Formal Shirt and Pant
  • Denim and Casual Shirt

What Dare Tasks can be given to the freshers?

To have more fun at your Freshers’ Party, here are some weird and quirky dare tasks you can give to them:

  • Mix 10 different available liquids and drink that.
  • Try putting your whole fist in your mouth.
  • Tell your embarrassing story to everyone.
  • Try licking your elbow.
  • Try peeling a banana with your toes.

What things can be done at a freshers’ party?

Here are a few things to do at a Freshers’ Party if you want to kill their boredom:

  • Karaoke singing
  • Dance-offs
  • Games
  • Conversations

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shubham khairnar
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