Thanksgiving day is that day of the year where you appreciate everything in your life and thank God for what he has granted you with. This national holiday brings families together that feasts on heavenly meals as one. Apart from watching the NFL game or the big thanksgiving parade on their television sets, the family makes sure that they have a traditional meal which comprises of famous roast turkey.
We all know that food is an important element in the whole thanksgiving fiesta, as this day celebrates harvest! That being said, you can celebrate this year’s thanksgiving day in your office and spend some quality time to bolster your equation with your colleagues.
While the holiday season brings friends and families together, it also serves as a perfect time to mend or boost up your bond with your fellow colleagues. Take advantage of this harvest day and organise a team potluck or team lunch! You can simply ask your colleagues to get the dishes they love the most and feast together as one!
Team building exercises are a tremendous way to know who you work with and at the same time how to strengthen the relationship with each other. Playing games and having fun in the office is a great way to relax after having a hectic week. The important thing is to make time and space for the coworkers to bond.
People are so caught up in the daily chores that they often forget to express gratitude for the smallest of things they get in their lives. This thanksgiving day, make it a point to be grateful and appreciate people you meet every day at your work. Not only this will help others to feel good but it will also help you feel more connected.
This thanksgiving, invest your time in helping others. Ask people from your organisation to volunteer with you with an NGO or fundraising event for the needy. Help people and make their thanksgiving day special.
“Helping people through charity is the most human thing we can do.” –Oprah Winfrey
Handwritten notes might be a little old fashion but nothing is more pure and genuine when it comes to expressing your feelings. Give your fellow workers a boost in their mundane routines. Write something positive about them and be thankful for them! This will definitely build the trust and reliability level in your bond.
Do good this thanksgiving! Donate some of your belongings to the needy and give them something to be grateful for. You can ask your friends in the organisation to join in this noble cause for thanksgiving this year.
To arouse the festive mood in the organisation, you can decorate your cubicles and have a little contest amongst yourselves. You can collectively give away the prize to best cubicle decor in the company. This will not only set everyone’s mood for thanksgiving day but will also encourage the employees to do better every time.
Celebrating thanksgiving without desserts is as horrifying as Christmas without lights. To set in the mood of thanksgiving in your organisation you can order in some cakes or truffles from a nearby patisserie.
Last but not least, to encourage the employees in the organisation you can put up a thank you board, where people post notes of what they are thankful for at work.
Let us know which idea inspired you!
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