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Birthday Treasure Hunt Ideas for A Phenomenal Party

By Suryanshi Bothra
Blog timeAug 2, 2021

The smiles on everyone’s faces, be it kids teenagers or adults when a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt is announced is well worth the time and energy you put into organising it. Your guests are going to love getting out and about, exploring and discovering new things. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to planning the greatest birthday treasure hunt party. Here are some classifications of some of the important details that you will want to look into.

a. Location and Hiding spots

b. Party Invites

c. Treasure Hunt maps and clues

d. ​Birthday Treasure Hunt a Lovely Tradition

These birthday treasure hunt ideas are sure to make your treasure hunt extra special.

1. Location and Venue for BIrthday Treasure Hunt

Your location for birthday treasure hunt would matter a lot. Before you start thinking about treasure hunt clues or the theme, you need to know how many kids will be participating in the hunt. And also their ages. Knowing these will make it easier for you to select an appropriate venue. The following places are great options for your treasure hunt party.

birthday treasure hunt

a. At home.

If your planning something low key with not so many people, You can set up Simple treasure hunts in your home. Indoor treasure hunts are an epic way to a gloomy rainy day a fun one. Birthday tresaure hunts can be a amazing birthday party theme for people of every age.

b. In gardens or parks.

Gardens and parks are great for larger groups of children. You can have your guest working in teams. Open field offer a lot of space for your guest but they dont have hiding places. Therefore, pick a venue that is large enough and yet has many hinding places.  

c. At museums or art galleries.

Art galeriess and Museums make amazing locations for themed treasure hunts for teenagers. Many museums and galleries have organized trails or treasure hunts. If you are opting for one of them then do check online before you arrive. But, if you are planning one on your own, get proper authorisation and dont hide stuff in places with frangibles. 

2. Themes for Scavenger Hunt Hunt Party

Scavenger hunts offer a great oppurtunity for spectacular themes. your themes could be related movies, shows, cartoons or general topics of interest.

birthday treasure hunt

  • Detectives.A robber has broken into a safe and stolen some valuable jewels! As a prize choose treats that look like gemstones for an extra-realistic touch. The kids must find the clues to discover where the loot is hidden. Mystery room or escape are also great places you can try for this kind of a theme.
  • AliensYou can approach this in theme in two ways, it could either be finding aliens or being aliens. The first would entail that a group of extra-terrestrials have landed on earth, and have been leaving alien objects in different places. Players must collect them all. Or every guest could be dressed as an alien and they could find human clues to win.
  • Ancient Egypt.This one is a little intense theme and is perfect for teenagers. The players need to discover the lost treasure of the pharaohs by unveiling the location of ancient scrolls. You can even get the players to decipher the hieroglyphics! In the sense of what  you can hide, it can be a combination of treats and jewellery.
  • Magical Kingdom.If your kid is obsessed with magical and fanatsy world, this theme is for you. The aim of this hunt is to collect enchanted talismans that, when put together, will be a map or a clue towards a magical reward! You could use jigsaw puzzles sor this purpose. But, this theme requires a lot of clues and meticolous decoration. You can even have fairies and superheroes too. 


3. Setting Up The Treasure Hunt

Many people make a big blunder when they decide the clue and the objects first and the hiding places later. We recommend that you decide where you will hide your treasure, and work backwards. Everyone wants to be a winner, so make sure you also have a selection of smaller prizes on hand for runners up. Or you can one big prize that can be shared by a group. Pick where you are going to hide the treasure, and then design your clues leading away from that place. It will be easier to plan your hunts backwards. Do consider writing yourself a crib sheet of locations, so that you are always aware of where you’ve hidden all the clues.

birthday treasure hunt


4. Treasure Hunt Clues

Your clues can be in many forms. Your Format of clues will be decided on the basis og your birthday treasure hunt theme. You can have riddles, puzzles, hieroglyphics, visual clues or a trail of interconnected clues in a combination of all these.

birthday treasure hunt


5. Photo Scavenger Hunt

Unlike other common scavenger hunts these scavenger hunts are different. You dont find or look for stuff in this scavenger hunt. Clues will be provided to you and once you figure out what the clues are you have the take a picture with the object or in that place. To make it more interesting you can even have an additional award for the funniest or the most creative photo.


6. Scavenger Hunt Party Invitations

A party this special deserves an equally interest and alluring invitation. The party invitation should mention your venue or the meet up point on in adult scavenger hunt parties. If you want to get the party started right from the point when your guests receive there invitations, you can put the venue or the time in code. But make sure that the code is simple otherwise you guest might reach a different venue or at the wrong time.

birthday treasure hunt


7. Pre Hunt Meetup

a. It will be a good idea to tell everyone to be on time, since one late person can hold up the entire hunt – so deduct points for people who are late to the kickoff!

b. Once everyone arrives, give them the rules of birthday treasure hunt: rendezvous points, time limits, and other essentials.

c. Also hand out the clue list, bags to carry items and pens/pencils for each team.

birthday treasure hunt

birthday treasure hunt


8. Team Scavenger Hunt Ideas

You can divide your guests in teams. The participants can select their own team name but if you are planning a theme scavenger hunt, then you can pick theme related names. If it is a theme party you can also have a theme props that you can assign to each team.

birthday treasure hunt


9. Add Dares and Complexity

If this party is for teenagers, make this birthday treasure hunt an epic one with a little bit of dares and hurdles. You can ask you guests to maybe dance or karaoke or score a goal in football or anything at all to get the clue card. The dare could even be something like get a photo with someone or something.

birthday treasure hunt


10. Post-Treasure Hunt Meetup

a. After you send out everyone to chase down their challenges, it’s time for you to relax — or at least head to the final rendezvous point to start setting up.
b. You can set up a projector to display all the pictures for the after party, which would have gotten everyone in the mood.
c. Have the teams tally as they go, and you simply confirm the points at the end.

birthday treasure hunt

​11. Birthday Treasure Hunt a Lovely Tradition

This is a remarkably simple and essentially free idea. After your kids are in bed, you come up with some good hiding places and the clues.  5 to 6 is enough for younger kids but you cankeep increasing as they get older. The clues should be fun, they can be riddles or puzzles or visual clues. You can even ask your kid or your sibling questions that he/she will have to answer to get the clues. This trail could lead them to their big surprise or their gift.

birthday treasure hunt

12. Expert Tips

a. Dont forget to do a run through.

b. Offer bonus challenges to your participants, for kids you can make an annoncement but with adults and teenagers, send a text message to all the guests.

c. Carry extra copies of clues and challenges with you in case one gets lost or gets damaged.

For more such festive ideas and birthday treasure hunt check out our Facebook page.

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Suryanshi BothraLives in the world of books and shows but committed to reality. Optimistic and passionate about all good things in life. Strongly believes in " fotis fortuna adiuvat"
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