Since all of us have been stuck in our homes for the past few months, this lock-down has put an end to all social events and celebrations. Worried that you are going to have the worst birthday this year? It does not have to be so! There are plenty of games that you could play with your family and friends virtually to celebrate your birthday from home. Don’t let this lock-down ruin your plans completely. Here is a list of 10 birthday game ideas that you could play over video calls with your friends and family to make your birthday fun and exciting, check them out!
Check Out Some Birthday Game Ideas To Play Through Video Call At Home:
Many people are familiar with this word guessing game which can add a lot of fun and excitement to a party! It involves explaining movies by acting. A person is not allowed to talk and is required to act out the movie by using different gestures, facial expressions, and body language. To play it on a video call, the one who is mimicking the movie needs to turn off their mic and the other person has to guess the name of the movie. This is such a fun game that every age group will enjoy playing!
This mind-boggling game is sure to keep everyone entertained! Here, the first player thinks of an object that they can see around them. The other players try to guess the object by asking only 20 questions that can only be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Once the object has been correctly guessed, swap roles! If the guessers give up, the first player gets to have another go. This is one of the best birthday games in lockdown to play with your friends and family which surely everyone will love!
This is truly one of the most entertaining kids birthday games where a person will tell the lyrics of a song in English if the song is Hindi and vice versa, other people will have to guess that song with the help of the lyrics in the other language. This can also be played in groups depending upon the number of people. The person or group who guesses first wins! One of the most trendy games, everyone in the virtual party will definitely love it. This game can be played with kids, teenagers and even adults!
This game is going to be a race against time! Here a list of objects will be given to everyone which can be found easily in every home. Every person has to take individual selfies with each object. There is no time limit to this game but the person who gets all the selfies first wins the game! Doesn’t it sound exciting? It’s so easy to play with this game and is yet so fun! You can introduce prizes for the person who wins to increase the excitement even more! In case there are a lot of people present at the virtual party then teams of 2-3 people can also be made.
Do you consider yourself a great movie buff? Show your talent by playing this game with your family and friends! A person has to give out a dialogue from a movie and others have to guess. The number of dialogues that the person has to give out can be decided by the people in the virtual party itself and can vary from 10-20. There’s no time limit to this game, the person with the greatest number of guesses wins the game. You can add more excitement to the game by introducing gifts for the winner!
This birthday game is another trendy game that people are loving! This is a guessing game where one person will impersonate and act like a famous person and other people will have to guess who that famous person is. It can be played individually or in groups. Simple yet so fun! You can also set a time limit for this game and the person or group who guesses the famous person first wins the game. Arranging gifts for the winner will further add more excitement to the game!
For this another trendy game, one person has to think of three statements about themselves, which can be anything, two out of which should be true and one should be false. That person will then share those questions with the group of people present in the virtual party. Other people will have to guess which of the questions is false. This game does not have a winner but can be a fun and a great bonding game to play among friends specially among teenagers!
One of the best party games for teenagers and adults of all times, never have I ever includes each person telling something that they have never done and other people who have done that thing taking a sip of their drink. The drinks can be anything like cold drinks, alcohol or even water and juices. This game does not have a winner but with never have I ever questions, you can really learn some embarrassing and interesting things about your friends and families you thought you knew well!
This game is just as exciting as how it sounds! This is such a fun and exciting game where one person would stand in front of the camera, then walk off-screen, and then come back having changed one thing about themselves which can be anything like changing their hairstyle, outfit, jewellery or even adding items such as watch etc. Other people in the virtual party will have to guess what’s different in that person who walked off the screen and came back changing on thing about themself.
For this lists last super fun game, a person has to do everything they can to make the other people in the virtual party laugh, without laughing themselves. The more people they get to laugh, the more points they get, but if they laugh themselves then no points are awarded. This is a great video call game idea that requires no prep, just people! If the person manages to make everyone laugh then he can be awarded a prize! The person to laugh first will start the next round of the game then.
These were few games which are super easy to play which could turn your birthday fun and exciting even while you are staying at home. Let us know which one you liked the most!
Thanks for reading!
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