A perfect chicken burger or wine & cheese? What’s your take?
Over a period of time we eat many dishes without actually knowing where it is originated from.
Coming to American and French cuisine, both of them are poles apart from each other. When it comes to American food fast, junk, processed is the way, the country is best known for the stuff that’s described by words better suited to greasy, grinding industrial output. But Americans have an impressive appetite for good stuff, too.
On the other hand French cuisine is more elite and sophisticated, contains more of bakery and cream products. Many dishes, such as quiche and crème brûlée, have become part of the national French cuisine. Where beer is the drink that goes down with the American food, wine is something that is always preferred by the French .
When it comes to the preparation time, American dishes are more easy to make and can be prepared in a short span of time compared to the French cuisine which require more patience and time in order to get the perfect dish. According to the cultural stereotype American food is unhealthier and thus Americans tend to be plump and on the other hand French food is considered very healthy and it’s believed that French people are generally skinny. However, this stereotype does not apply to the entire cuisine as a whole.
So readers, What do you prefer? The fast and funky American cuisine or the elegant and elite French cuisine.