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What to Do on Akshaya Tritiya | Akshaya Tritiya Wishing Images

By Kunal Malhotra
Blog timeMar 24, 2019

What to do on Akshaya Tritiya is a question which needs a quick answer as this ancient festival we believe to bring in a lot of wealth and good fortune. We always listen to the refrain from someone elder, “Wait for Akshaya Tritiya and on that day, we shall make the big purchase”. People hardly know the significance of Akshaya Tritiya  so let’s look into what it is all about.


Know about What Is Akshaya Tritiya | Significance of Akshaya Tritiya | What to do on Akshaya Tritiya

What Is Akshaya Tritiya? What is the Significance of Akshaya Tritiya?

Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of the bright half of the Vaishakh month which is usually between April and May. It is also known as Akha Teej and falls on Tuesday, 7th of May this year (2019). It is a highly auspicious and sacred day for the Hindu and Jain communities as a number of important events happen on this day:

  • Sun and the Moon are at maximum brightness on this day. We consider it even more auspicious if this day happens to be with Rohini Nakshatra. As per Vedic astrology, the three lunar days, Yugadi, Akshaya Tritiya and Vijay Dashami do not need any Muhurta for starting new ventures as these three days are free from all malefic effects.
What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya
Goddess Laxmi
  • As the mythology goes, Akshaya Tritiya, we consider as the birthday of Lord Parasurama who is the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya
Lord Parsurama

Akshaya meaning ‘the never diminishing’ (Sanskrit) denotes good luck. Hence, new ventures and big-ticket purchases should start on this day.

  • People also believe that  Lord Ganesha and Ved Vyas started writing the Mahabharata on this day.
What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya, Ved Vyasa, Ganesha, Mahabhatrat
Lord Ganesha and Ved Vyasa
  • This auspicious day we believe to be the day when Treta Yuga commenced.
  • This day marks the end of the one-year fast by Tirthankara Rishabha and we consider holy by followers of Jainism.
What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya
Tirthankara Rishabha


  • The Mahabharata says that Pandavas discovered weapons under the earth which made them victorious against the Kauravas on this very day.
  • Kubera was bestowed the post of “treasurer of wealth” by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram on this occasion.
What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya
Kubera: The treasurer of Wealth

What to Do on Akshaya Tritiya

You can do these things on this occasion to make the most out of it:

Bringing Gold Jewellery Home

This occasion we consider one of the most auspicious festivals by Hindus since it is the day when Goddess Laxmi received the post of Goddess of wealth which signifies ever increasing good fortune. Akshaya Tritiya is considered to be the day one may be granted ‘endless fortune’ which means the auspicious presence of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.

What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya

One who buys wealth on this day is believed to see an increase in his wealth. Therefore, buying and worshipping gold pleases him. Also, an important benefit of buying gold on this festival is that it falls in the month of Shravana (July-August). This period is also considered auspicious for engagements and marriages. Performing marriage ceremonies on this auspicious day, they say, bring stability and harmony.


Akshaya Tritiya Charity and Akshaya Tritiya Puja:

Moreover, puja rituals include the Madhusudhana ritual, with Tulasi archana and also the chanting of Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam. Also, one can do charity during this day which will bring multiple returns. Following are the charities (Daanam) one can undertake.

Jala (water), Shayana (beds to the needy), Vasthra (clothes), Kunkum daanam, Chandana (Sandalwood), Thamboolam (betel nut), Naarikela (coconuts), Padaraksha (footwear), Chatra (umbrella)

So, you can figure out and repent for the bad karma that you may have done by partaking in charity.


Holy Bath:

What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya
Holy Ganges

Taking a bath in the holy river rids one of all inauspiciousness and bad karma. Also, you can take bath before sunrise in one of the Holy Rivers; Ganges, Yamuna etc.

Happy Akshaya Tritiya Messages/ Images

Here are some Messages and images which you can save and share with your family, relatives and friends on WhatsApp of this auspicious day.

Happy Akshay Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Happy Akshay Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Happy Akshay Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Happy Akshay Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Lakshmi, Laxmi, Saraswati, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Happy Akshay Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, What Is Akshaya Tritiya, Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya Significance of Akshaya Tritiya, What to do on Akshaya Tritiya

To conclude, this occasion is one of the most auspicious days of the year. Moreover, if you are looking for auspicious wedding dates to get married this year, click here.

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Kunal Malhotra
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