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9 Thrilling Shots Games | Cocktail Party Games for a Boozy-licious Party

By Shraddha Hire
Blog timeSep 17, 2016

Planning a cocktail party? Thinking to get plenty of booze with food and kickass cocktail party games? But have no idea about new and fun games? Chill. We got your back. We have got a pretty good list right here just for you so that there’s no need to spend more time researching cool games for your cool cocktail party.

Here are 9 Cocktail Party Games | Shots Games |Group Party Games

  1. “Never Have I Ever Game”: Cocktail Party Game

In one of the cocktail party games, people are supposed to sit in a circle with their beer cup filled. Every person gets a chance to confess what he has never done in his life and the other people who have done that thing in their life has to drink their beer. E.g:- If a person in a group of 10, says, “Never have I ever tried punny pickup lines to impress a girl.” and amongst the other nine if four people have tried using punny pickup lines, will have to drink their beer. This is one of the fun group party games which helps to discover the undiscovered parts of your friends.

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Fun Party Games
  1. Spin the Bottle Alcohol Game: Shots Games to Play in a Group

Get a new twist in the normal spin the bottle game. Place the bottles or glasses of liquor in front of you. Spin the bottle by turns and on whichever glass the bottleneck points, needs to be emptied by the person behind it. You can carry on with this drinking game as long as you want or wait for every bottle to get empty. This game will seriously get you drunk!

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Spin the Bottle Cocktail Game
  1. Civil War: Shots Games /Group Party Games

Since beer pong allows only two people to play at a time, it can extend for long period and the wait for your turn can make it boring after a point. So, to avoid this, The newer and the kickass version of it called Civil War was introduced. In this game, many people can play together and have many cups to aim for. With the increase in members of a team, the game can get pretty heated up with all of that excitement, adrenaline, cheering and gasping. This game is worth the cocktail party.

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party games ideas
  1. Beer Chess: Games to Play in a Group

Unlike other active cocktail party games, this game is meant for the chess nerds who like to party and play the slow game simultaneously. To make the shots game of chess more fun is to replace your chess pieces with the different types of shots. With every piece that’s defeated will need the player to drink it.

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Beer Chess
  1. Bounce: Party Shots Games Ideas

This game gets a bit difficult and interesting. Four cups are placed on a table in a row. The cups will be numbered. The nearest cup with number 1 indicates one peg/shot and as the number increases so does the number of pegs. The player is supposed to bounce a penny or a pong ball onto the table and make it land in one of the cups in one of these group party games.

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  1. Drunk Trivia: Drinking Games for Adults

Time to rack your brains. Get a set of questions prepared before getting started with the cocktail party games so that you can enjoy this choice from this amazing set of drinking games. It can include questions related to movies, general knowledge or simple logic. The people with wrong answers will have to drink their beer.

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  1. Drunk Spell Bee: Beer Games/ Group Party Games

In this game, every person gets a turn to challenge any random person in the group. Once the partners have been chosen, they challenge each other with the difficult set of words to spell out correctly. If the competitor fails to spell it right he gets to take a shot and if he spells correctly, the person challenging has to gulp down the shot.

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  1. Beer Games “Try Not to Laugh” Challenge: Drinking Games for Adults

This challenge will get people really wet (with water). This game is apt after crowd getting tipsy.  Two guys need to sit down facing each other and their mouths filled with water. You can either have just two people or sets of two people in a row. After everyone is drunk and ready to play the game, play a funny videos compilation on screen. The challenge is to not laugh during the video. There are chances of very few people succeeding in this. When they laugh it’s going to create a chain reaction and there will be splash all around in one of these drinking games for adults It might be the best time of the party with everyone laughing and enjoying.

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  1. Name Game: Beer Games

This game just requires alcohol and a person’s ability to think fast. Quite easy to assume but can get a bit difficult while in pressure and chaos around. To get a fair chance, everyone will sit in the formation of a circle. The first person will start with calling names of famous something like cities, countries, celebs, etc. The last letter of that name should be the first letter of the next person and will have to come up with something that starts with the letter and is from the given category. For e.g- If the first person says “Egypt” the next person can say “Turkey”. If the person is unable to answer, he will have to keep drinking until he comes up with the name in one of these drinking games for adults.

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I hope this list of cocktail party games/ drinking games for adults lights up your Party Venue and get everyone sloshed with fun. Being a host, make sure no one drives home by himself after getting drunk.

If you need more help or explore innovative ideas regarding cocktail party planning, then you got to click here and check out the entire section filled with bombshell ideas and party themes.

For details about the amazing event venues and vendors in your city, visit Bookeventz 

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Shraddha HireWriter by day and an artist by night. When she isn't writing or reading blogs, she is probably painting on walls.
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