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9 Simple Birthday Cake Designs For Kids That Would Leave You Drooling Over

By Anuj Mishra
Blog timeSep 23, 2016

What’s the first thing that would instantly come up in your mind when you hear of kids celebrating their birthday? It is the birthday cake, right? Majority of us just love cake so let’s look at simple birthday cake designs for kids. It was a long time back when there were limited options related to cake flavours, but, as the modernization is impacting almost everything, even the cake is not left behind. These days you will find a  variety of options in the design, icing and flavours of cake that would force you to give it a gaze. Why not even you try to do something interesting with your upcoming birthday cake and for your help we have some astonishing Birthday cake ideas you can try out.

Here are Birthday Cake Designs for Kids | Mini Birthday Cake Ideas

1. Bright and Whimsy:

Bright-Whimsy-Birthday-cake-ideas, happy Bdy Cake, Simple Birthday Cakes, Birthday Cake Designs for Kids
Willie Wonka Cake

2. Ballerina Cake: Birthday Cake Designs for Kids

Ballerina-cake, Bdy Cake, Happy Bday Cake, Simple Birthday Cakes
Pink Ballerina cake

3. Minnie Mouse Cake: Mini Birthday Cake

Minnie-mouse-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, minnie mouse cake ideas, bday cake, birthday cake images, b day cake, trending cakes 2018, birth day cake, new cake design 2018, Bdy Cake, Happy Bday Cake, Simple Birthday Cakes

4. Tinkerbell: Birthday Cake Designs for Kids

tinkerbell-and-fairies-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, neon cake, bday cake, birthday cake images, b day cake, trending cakes 2018, birth day cake, new cake design 2018, Bdy Cake, Happy Bday Cake, Simple Birthday Cakes,
Tinkerbell Neon Cake

5. Olaf: Mini Birthday Cake

frozen-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, bday cake, birthday cake images, b day cake, trending cakes 2018, birth day cake, new cake design 2018,

6. Angry Birds:

Angry-birds-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, bday cake, birthday cake images, b day cake, trending cakes 2018, birth day cake, new cake design 2018,

7. Lego Mania: Birthday Cake Designs for Kids

legomania-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, bday cake, birthday cake images, b day cake, trending cakes 2018, birth day cake, new cake design 2018,

8. Superhero Smash up: Mini Birthday Cake

Superhero-smashup-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, bday cake, birthday cake images, b day cake, trending cakes 2018, birth day cake, new cake design 2018,
Superhero Cake

9. Chocolate Castle: Birthday Cake Designs for Kids

Chocolate-castle-cake-birthday-cake-ideas, happy Bdy Cake, Simple Birthday Cakes
Chocolate Castle Cake

10. Lord of the Rings Themed Cake

lord of the rings themed - cake

11. Game of Thrones Themed Cake

Game of thrones themed wedding cake

12. Starbucks Themed Cake

13. Suits Themed Cake

14. Harry Potter Themed Cake

15. Coffee Themed Cake

Have fun with your party guests with these Simple Birthday Cake Designs for Kids. We are pretty sure that after looking at these cakes at your party the guests will crave to have them at their party too. Try these ideas and woo your friends.

For information about Birthday party venues, please visit bookeventz.com.

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Anuj MishraI am Writer. Not an excellent one, but able to write relevant contents based on any topic. I am dancer and sketch artist too!
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