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7 Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals You Need To Know!

By Aditi Rampure
Blog timeAug 6, 2019

Bengali marriage rituals are very similar to traditional Hindu rituals. Just like other Indian weddings, Bengali rituals are an amalgamation of traditional cultures along with modernity. If you are someone who had the chance to experience a Bengali wedding would agree that it is a delight to watch! Usually, a Bengali Wedding is referred to as ‘Biye ’ and is a treat to watch. Bengali weddings are a host of deep, meaningful rituals seeped in culture and traditions. These rituals are performed amidst colourful and elegant creative decor. Bengali weddings are celebrations of colour, closeness and beauty. Here are 7 interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals that you need to know about:

1. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: Aiburobhat

Another version of a Bridal shower! It takes place in the afternoon or the night before the wedding day. Usually, all close friends and relatives gather at the bride’s house and shower her with gifts and blessings. Then she is treated with an elaborate feast which includes rice, fish and several vegetable dishes, mostly all her favourites. It is said that this is her last meal as a spinster. A similar interesting Bengali wedding ritual is practised at the groom’s place where he takes his last meal as a bachelor.

Aiburobhat Interesting Bengali marriage rituals

Aiburobhat Interesting Bengali marriage rituals
Last feast as a spinster

Aiburobhat Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

2. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: The Tatwa

Pronounced as ‘Tawtto’ in Bengali, where both the sides of families exchange gifts. One interesting thing about this is, these gifts are in the form of groom and bride. They are really adorable and delicious at the same time! This is a tradition where creative minds can showcase their creativity and bring out the best Tatwa design.

Tatwa Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Tatwa Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals
Exchanging gift for Tatwa

Tatwa Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

3. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: Shuva Drishti

This ritual is the one where everyone is excited due to the Ulu dhvani excitement. In this ritual, the bride hides her face with beetle leaves and her brothers lifts her up to the mandap. Bride’s face is then decorated with intricate designs with the sandalwood paste, as the sandalwood is supposed to keep her calm yet energetic. Then, the bride and the groom exchange garlands before sitting on the mandap.

Shuva Drishti Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Shuva Drishti Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Shuva Drishti Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

4. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: Gaye Halud

It is really similar to the Haldi ceremony in Hindu weddings. But in Bengali weddings, this ritual is known as ‘Gaye Halud’. Interestingly, in this ritual, the bride sits on a ‘Piri,’ a plank as applies Haldi on her face. This turmeric paste is usually applied by all the married women of the house. After this, the bride wears ‘Shakha Paula,’ which are special bangles made of shell and coral. In other terms, this is similar to wearing choodha.

Gaye Halud Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Bengali wedding traditions, Bengali wedding rituals, Bengali marriage rituals, Bengali Hindu wedding, Traditional Bengali bride, Bengali marriage rituals and customs, Bengali wedding, Bengali marriage

Gaye Halud Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

5. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: Bashar Ghor

After the wedding ceremony, the groom has to spend the night at the wedding venue or at the bride’s home. A group of cousins and friends from both sides try and keep the couple awake. This is the time where the beautiful bridesmaids entertain the couple all night with jokes, songs and lots of talks.

Bhashar Ghor Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Bhashar Ghor Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Bhashar Ghor

6. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: Saat Paak

‘Saat Paak’ is one of the interesting of all Bengali marriage rituals. In this, the bride sits on a low wooden stool called ‘pidi’. This stool is then lifted by her brothers and the bride is taken around the groom seven times. This ritual is to wind up the couple securely to each other.

Saat Paak Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Saat Paak Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals
Bride sitting on a pidi

Saat Paak Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

7. Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals: Anjali

In this Bengali marriage ritual, bride and the groom offers puffed rice into the yagna (fire). The bride’s brother hands over these puffed rice to the bride, while the groom holds her hand to pour the offering into the yagna together.

Anjali Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals

Anjali Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals
Offering puffed rice in yagna

Anjali Interesting Bengali Marriage Rituals








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Aditi RampureAditi is presently working as a Content Writer at BookEventz and is currently based in Mumbai. Apart from making a decent living out of writing, she loves to seize every moment of her life with her cameras. From being a wonderous photographer to lifting weights, she aspires to inspire many.
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