Baby Shower
How To Set A Baby Sleep Routine? 5 Tricks That Will Definitely Help!
By Purv Bhoj
Blog timeMay 28, 2021

baby sleep

Source: Freepik

No one can predict when a little one will fall asleep, but as a parent, make sure you do everything you possibly can to set up your baby’s sleep pattern. 

You will often find babies doing weird things just to stay awake, but you don’t have to worry about it because straightforward ways can help you establish your baby’s sleep routine. 

Don’t you know about such tricks? No worries, here’s everything you need to know: 

  1. Set The Stage


Making a baby fall asleep quickly can be a real task for parents, so it is suggested to set the stage for the baby’s nap. 

There is no way to set a sleep routine for your little one if the environment is not up-to-the-mark. 

baby sleep

Source: Freepik

According to experts, the best sleep can occur in the baby’s crib, and for that reason, a dark and cool room will be needed. 

It’s important not to have any sort of noise disturbance when you try to make your baby take a nap. 

Many parents don’t know about it, but diaper changing time can set a baby’s sleep routine. You must be thinking about how this is even possible, so here’s a pro tip for you. 

When you change your little one’s diaper, sing to him because it can help you significantly preparing the baby for sleep. 

2. Beat The Catnap


Once you have managed to get your baby napping in the morning, make sure you shift your attention to stretching sleep time. 

Catnapping is one of the biggest complaints of parents, but we recommend they don’t assume the baby has completed the sleep if he wakes up every 35-40 minutes. 

According to experts, it’s ideal to wait to see whether the newborn has gone back to sleep after waking up every 35-0 minutes or not. 

baby sleep

Source: Freepik

To set up a sleep routine for your little one, provided environment has to be perfect by all the possible means. 

Leave your infant to a consistent sleep environment so that the child can understand that’s the time and spot for taking a nap. 

3. Time It To Perfection 


Timing is important when it comes to setting up a child’s sleep pattern. Generally, a 4-6 months old baby will need to sleep at least three times a day. 

As far as the ideal timing for sleep is concerned, a nap should be taken in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the later afternoon so that you can tide your little one over until bedtime. 

Source: Freepik

Once the baby has grown to 7 or 8 months, the buffer naps will automatically go away, and babies will surely be able to take nice and long naps. 

Nighttime is ideal for having a healthy sleep, so routine your baby accordingly to make him enjoy an ideal nap at night. 

However, the patterns can vary from baby to baby. 

4. Go For Light & Repetitive Movement 


You can talk about as many babies as you want, and you’ll find one thing common amongst all of them; they like swaying or swinging. 

As parents, learn the art of light and repetitive movements so your infant can fall asleep quickly. 

Swinging tools can also be bought at an affordable price, and your baby will love to spend time there before going to sleep. 

baby sleep

Source: Freepik

Practical gifts for son-in-law can also help setting up sleep patterns because the more your baby feels at ease, the better the sleep pattern will be. 

5. Feed Until The Baby Becomes Drowsy 


Disturbed sleeping behavior can be the result of improper feeding. That’s why we suggest you feed your baby according to the body requirements. 

If you have a baby who’s difficult to handle as far as the sleeping patterns are concerned, try feeding him until he becomes drowsy. 

A feeder can do the job quite nicely and only remove the feeder from the mouth until you feel sure that your little one has gone to sleep. 

Source: Freepik

There is no need to give milk in the feeder; water can also be a great pick because your purpose is to make your infant fall asleep sooner rather than later. 

Doing this cannot only help you establish an ultimate sleep pattern, but you will be able to provide adequate nutrition as well. Easy-peasy!

Over To You

The health of a little one depends mainly on sleep patterns. Disturbed sleep patterns can make your baby feel awkward. 

However, following the aforementioned simple tricks can get the job without any hassle. 

We hope that the article has made you understand all the nitty-gritty of establishing a sleep pattern for your kiddo. 

So, which one of the tricks stood out for you? We’d like to know. 

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Jay BhavsarMy name is Jay. I am a content writer at Bookeventz. Love writing and reading poetry and a big Cricket buff. Favourite movie and book of all time - The Lord Of The Rings.
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